Monday, July 4, 2011

July 3rd, 2011 The Infamous Mail Box Peak

Roundtrip6.0 miles
Elevation Gain4100 ft
Highest Point4926 ft

hikers beware!

Ajay and I took on Mailbox peak on this grey morning.  It was everything it was said to be.  Since the half mile is flat, the last 2.5 miles are steep to say the least!  A grueling uphill with hardly any switchbacks, elevation gains of 1500 feet per mile, and at times resembling an obstacle course through a jungle of roots, loose rock, etc.  What a workout on the ascent!  I thought my heart was going to pound right out of my chest at times.  The top was in cloud cover, so no amazing view.  We were very glad to see the mailbox however. 
The way down was hell continued.  I forgot hiking poles which was a mistake.  Basically, I had to brace my knees and lower body to try not to fall and be constantly alert with each step to not trip or slip (which I did several times, all minor falls, thankfully) on the roots, rocks or mud.  Whew, what a doozy!  I definitely however will be back, hopefully with better weather!  It took us 2 hrs and 45 minutes to summit, and just over 2 hours to come down.
Photo with my camera phone

Ajay signing our names in the mailbox notebook

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