Wednesday, July 20, 2011

July 16th, 2011 Little Si

Distance 5 miles
Elevation gain 1200 ft
Highest point 1576 feet

On account of sickness and a rough night, our hike was downgraded to Little Si and delayed by several hours to the aforementioned issues in addition to the horrendous traffic in North Bend.  Resh, Arch, and I were accompanied by Chayya and senior citizen canine, Maya.  To make the hike worthwhile, I carried 37 lbs up.  The hike was highlighted by :
-Archana and I practicing and then "performing" our amazing race application video while Reshma filmed us with my flip and onlookers watched with amazement (that may be an exaggeration)
-while my chai, made graciously by Resh, was cooling off on a summit rock, Maya preceded to drink it all!
-"mountain" dogs begged us to play fetch and give them food.  These dogs apparently live nearby and go up Little Si on their own to hang out/play/eat with hikers.
Old M, pre chai fest

The stick fetching obsesses mountain dog!

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