Friday, July 22, 2011

July 19th, 2011 West Tiger Cable Line

Elevation gain 2100 ft
distance 1.5 miles up and down 3.1 miles (down on regular trail)

no switch backs here, straight up a very rocky path

Resh, Arch, and I did took on the cable line at Tiger Mountain.  It is straight uphill on rocky and steep terrain.  It was quite the workout, and the 35 lbs I was carrying definitely had be working up a sweat!  I made it up in 1 hr and 40 minutes.  Helpful to this climb, and climbing in general, was a "how to adjust your pack" video I had watched the day before (yes, 4 months into hiking).  I adjusted mine and Resh's packs (Arch's was already ergonomically sound) and we both felt a huge improvement.  I had also, on advice of fellow bondites, read about correct backpack packing/loading which also helped out.  We ran into these guys who actually were guides for Rainier.  They offered us lots of encouragement and were impressed at our loads.  All in all, a great strenuous week day hike!  go team bonda!

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