Wednesday, September 14, 2011

August 29th-September 1st Rainier Attempt

Map by Archana of our route
I write this blog many days after my attempt to summit Rainier.  Though it was an amazing experience, I am still struggling with my own personal failure.  I have realized that I needed to be at a higher fitness level, and I have realized the stars did not align that night for me.
To go back to the previous days, we got off to a good start heading as a team to Ashford on August 29th.  We had an orientation, met our guides, and had a gear check.  We enjoyed staying at the Whittaker bunkhouse.
The second day was mountain school.  We hiked about an hour to a steep hill on Rainier.  We learned about the safety and efficiency techniques for mountaineering. We then (briefly) got to work with our crampons on, learn self arrest/ ice axe techniques (kind of fun), and ended with how to walk on a rope all harnessed up.

Excited to start our big day
The next morning we headed back out to paradise to start our Muir trek.  We had an overheated room because after turning out the heat to dry our clothes during dinner, the heater failed to turn off.  I had slept poorly but I felt pretty good going up to Muir.  At the snow field, I followed right behind Ben, one of our guides, as he decided to "make a new trail" up the steep field, making it extra hard!  At the last break, I developed nausea which only somewhat improved later on.  I blamed the cytomax powder, but for all I know, it could have been the altitude. 
Our whole RMI team with guides

Enjoying one of the rest breaks

After we reached Camp Muir we all packed in the RMI bunk house to eat our "dinner" (it was before 4pm).  We then had a meeting with the guides and were given our rope teams.  I assume because I had decided to hike behind the guide up to Muir, I was put third in line on the lead rope team led by Pete, our lead guide.  I didn't think much of this at the time, but was bummed that the rest of Team Bonda was all together on a different rope.

Resh and I in our nook at the bunk house

Arch, Resh, and I at Camp Muir
At Camp Muir, it was beautiful being over the clouds.  We went to bed at six, but no sleep was to come for me or most of Team Bonda.  After several hours of lying horizontal, we were told to wake up and get ready, it was midnight.  In an hour, we had to eat "breakfast", use the bathroom, get our gear ready, put on our crampons, etc.  It was nothing but stressful, but our rope took off before the others were ready and Pete had us moving!  So, now the tragedy of the story.  I was feeling lousy, had a headache, and was somewhat winded without even starting.  Then, I was totally unprepared for how disoriented I felt hiking with a headlamp on a glacier.  We started up Cowlitz glacier and that went okay.  We then went up the rocks of Cathedral gap while hearing rock fall and rushing streams nearby.  I could only look at my feet as I was finding it very difficult to keep my footing and watch the rope and keep the pace.  Crampons on rock are really no fun.  The worst part for me came next heading to Ingram flats.  We had to walk on a ledge of ice and I felt totally outside my comfort zone, and because my crampons kept catching my pants, I was feeling very anxious.  Michael who was behind me was my only encouragement.  Pete just kept saying to watch the rope interval and breath.  At the break, I was told if I could handle my footing and go faster I could go on.  Of course, just getting to the first break under these circumstances and without constructive encouragement was a problem.  I also was "fuzzy" in the head mistaking head lamps of the other RMI team in front of us for asteroids or planes.  In retrospect, obviously, I was having altitude issues. 

Cowlitz glacier and Cathedral gap during the day
Anyways, Reshma and Archana also had had a hard first leg and were turning back.  I initially tried to start the second leg but my legs felt awful and I was still winded.  I then decided to turn back.  The journey back to Muir was also eventful with falls of various team members, including myself. 
Anyways, we made it back to Muir and analyzed every single thing that happened.  I was glad to have the support of Team Bonda.  Steph, my hero, made it all the way to the Summit!  I am so proud of her!

Yes we still did hero shots, but at Camp Muir!

A hug for the rock star, Steph!

Steph and Zeb, one of the guides, hiking down from Muir

Making it to 11,200 feet (Ingram flats) was still the hardest thing I have done.  I had a great six months training with Team Bonda.  As I had never had the opportunity to hike in the midwest, it was really a great summer.  I also am so grateful for all the Team Bondas and my family and friends who supported me through this journey, especially Ajay.  I cannot say that I have not been grieving and have some grievances about our guides and what happened, however, it was still the experience of a lifetime!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

August 27th, 2011 Last training hike at Tiger Mountain

Team Bonda took on Tiger Mountain at 6 am for our last training hike.  For the first time, the trail wasn't open on arrival.  Sandra, our mountain goddess who already finished a successful summit (yay!), joined us, which was awesome! We had a great hike up.  On top, food experimentation lab took place to figure what could be eaten/quickly cooked, at Camp Muir.  We finished our hike in great time and I was looking forward to the rest of my day, when, alas, I could not find my car keys!  I then realized I must have locked them in the trunk with my purse.  The day was not lost however, as Archana adopted me and took me on a needed shopping spree to REI flagship and then we ate brunch, followed by lunch with our families in the city.  Ajay and I then went back to the trail head only to wait 90 minutes for triple A! There is truly never a hike without an incident! 

August 28th, 2011 Last week day hike!

We did Poo Poo point trail for the occasion.  The hike started positive with everyone clocking record times and then enjoying doklas while watching para gliders on the top.  When we decided to gleefully pose for pictures, poor Resh jammed her finger on my shoulder.  She powered through on the way down, but ended up with a swollen finger and a ring that could not come off!  Poor girl had to go the urgent care two days later, luckily no broken bones...

Thursday, August 25, 2011

August 20th, 2011 Camp Muir or bust

Distance 9.2 miles round trip
Elevation gain 4600 feet
Max Elevation 10,050 feet

Team Bonda takes Muir!

Reshma, Archana, and I headed up to Paradise in Rainier National Park.  We were greeted by beautiful weather, much warmer than our hike here a few weeks earlier.  We trudged up to Muir, taking breaks on the hour.  This time I carried the full 35 plus pounds.  Arch and I rented boots from Whittaker, which,thankfully, worked great. The first hour was quite brutal, but after that, it was challenging but doable.  The views were spectacular!  We saw Mount Adams, Mount St. Helen's, Mount Hood, along with waterfalls, wildflowers, and of course Rainier herself. 

Resh, adjusting my load lifters

View of Rainier from Paradise
Team Bonda did great, with all of us being able keep up with the RMI group.  At camp muir, the RMI guides showed us the bunker we would be staying at during our summit climb.  They also were amazingly helpful and answered all our questions. 
The way down was a slog because the slush made the glissading less than ideal, and the ground sooo slippery.  Nevertheless, we were all in good spirits as we headed to dinner in Ashford at Wild Berry, a Nepalese restaurant Sandra had recommended.  The food was amazing and totally hit the spot!  A very long but super successful day.

the trudge up to Muir
Base Camp!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

August 18th, 2011 Poo poo point

Distance: 5.0 miles
Elevation gain: 1650 ft
Highest point 1850 ft

Ajay and I hiked on the lovely Thursday afternoon with Maya and Chayya.  On the top, we enjoyed watching all the para gliders along with the beautiful views of the Snoqualmie valley.  I felt good on this short but pleasurable hike, and was glad the dogs could join us.

Paragliders galore!

August 13th, 2011 Lake Serene

Roundtrip 7.2 miles
Elevation gain 2000 ft
Highest point 2521 ft

This weekend a trip in honor of Ajay's birthday was planned with the whole family to Sleeping Lady Resort in Leavenworth.  As I still had to get a hike in, Ajay, my dad, Maya, Chayya and I headed out before the rest of the family to hike to Lake Serene.  I carried my now usual 35 lbs.  The hike was beautiful with old growth forest, waterfalls and streams.  What made it slightly moderate in difficulty as opposed to easy was that all the elevation gain was in the last 1.5 or so miles in the form of 23 switchbacks.  This was fine for everyone except old Maya, who had to be helped at several points, but still she willed her way through.  My dad was, of course, the fastest on the hike.  He liked the hike so much he is going to join a hiking group when he moves to New Zealand.  Lake Serene, with Ajay's bad luck on hikes, was completely fogged in.  However the waterfall made the hike worthwhile for both training and enjoyment!
good thing dad was there to catch this stump from falling!

Bridal Veil Falls

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

August 11th, 2011 Painful Solo Hike on Si

Distance 8 miles
Elevation gain 3700 feet
Highest elevation 4167 feet

Above the clouds at the summit of Mount Si

So I decided because of a busy weekend ahead to tackle my big hike on a week day.  I approached the hike like it would be no big deal.  I forgot to take my aleve, and had no music to distract me.  Carrying the 35 lbs up Si, my knees and feet were feeling it.  I made it up in 2:35 minutes, and down in 1:20 minutes.  I was completely in pain at the end.  That evening, I couldn't step on my right foot because I would get numbness and shooting pain down my 2nd and 3rd toes.  My knees were swollen up.  Maybe it was the lack of medicine or Si is just hard on the joints, but, by gosh, this hike totally brutalized me!
Every morning for the last few weeks,  my right ankle hurts when I first get out of bed, and if I step on my feet a certain way, I get the same shooting pains.  Uggh!  I blame the heavy pack.  Hopefully, this is the worst of it!