Distance 8 miles
Elevation gain 3700 feet
Highest elevation 4167 feet
Archana, Ajay, Chayya, and I headed up Mount Si on this cloudy but pleasant day. I was worn down from many weekends of travelling, being sick all week, and losing some of conditioning I had gained. Nevertheless, I carried my 25 plus pound backpack up the mountain with the encouragement of Archana. Ajay seemed to enjoy the hike, he practiced his music, and enjoyed playful jeering at Team Bonda. On the summit, we enjoyed sheera and bhel that Ajay made.
My feet and toes suffered badly on the way down. That and the crowds made for a slow decent. My boots need some tinkering so my toes don't bang so much on downhills. Overall, a good experience, I need to step of the conditioning though!