Monday, May 2, 2011

April 27th, 2011 Hike of Insanity

Trail: Poo poo point
Distance: 5.0 miles
Elevation gain: 1650 ft
Highest point 1850 ft

Sandra, Reshma, Reshma's friend, Shalaka, and I ventured up Tiger Mountain on a Wednesday afternoon.  The hike started with a blustery drizzle which turned into a downpour.  We were then greeted by full out snow 2/3rd the way up.  Huge snowflakes, gusts of wind, made this hike quite the adventure.  I was soaked to the bone in my knit pants, and this motivated me the next day to buy water resistant hiking pants.  I felt like a true adventurer, hiking out in the extremes (extreme for me anyway)!

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