Saturday, May 14, 2011

May 8th, 2011 Mother's Day Madness

Trail: Mount Si
Distance 8 miles
Elevation gain 3700 feet
Highest elevation 4167 feet

Mount Si on a lovely day we were unfortunate to miss.

"Neither snow nor rain nor hail nor gloom of night stays these hikers from the (not so) swift completion of their appointed mountain ascents!"
-borrowed and adapted to our needs from the postman's creed. 

We tackled or rather got tackled by Mount Si.  While getting rained and hailed on the first three miles which in retrospect, went quite well, we were left unprepared and soundly whooped by the last mile of packed snow.  I, for one, thank my teammates, and the song "99 bottles of beer on the wall" which I sang in my head so my feet would keep trudging forward.  I had no gloves, hat, or hiking poles.  I made it to the top, however, with teammates Archana and Sandra and of course the loyal Chayya, who herself seem disoriented towards the summit.  Poor Reshma endured a spill, but remained upbeat, and friend, Sonia, survived despite lack of hiking boots!  Team Bonda, we may have been beaten down, but we survived!

Monday, May 2, 2011

April 27th, 2011 Hike of Insanity

Trail: Poo poo point
Distance: 5.0 miles
Elevation gain: 1650 ft
Highest point 1850 ft

Sandra, Reshma, Reshma's friend, Shalaka, and I ventured up Tiger Mountain on a Wednesday afternoon.  The hike started with a blustery drizzle which turned into a downpour.  We were then greeted by full out snow 2/3rd the way up.  Huge snowflakes, gusts of wind, made this hike quite the adventure.  I was soaked to the bone in my knit pants, and this motivated me the next day to buy water resistant hiking pants.  I felt like a true adventurer, hiking out in the extremes (extreme for me anyway)!