Tuesday, April 26, 2011

April 23rd, 2011 West Tiger Mountain

Distance 6 miles
Elevation gain 2100 feet
Highest point 2525 feet

Had a great pre-birthday hike up to West Tiger Mountain Summit.  We missed Archana and her photography dearly, of course, but enjoyed the company of  Candice and Roshith who were superstars on the hike!  I carried 25 lbs and was feeling it.  At times, Reshma and I were offering our backpacks to spry appearing hikers, but no dice! 
What a beautiful day, sunny, warm, and visibility was great!  Highlight was "Happy Birthday" sung at the top of the mountain, complete with candles on pumpkin bread, and of course chai! 

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

April 17th, 2011 Rattlesnake Ledge

Distance: 4 miles
Elevation gain: 1160 ft
Highest point: 2076  feet

Reshma and I pose at the top in coordinating red jackets

Team Bondas third hike took us from a sunny Seattle to a cold and snowy start up Rattlesnake ledge.  I carried 15 lbs and the team picked up the pace on this hike.  Initial the summit showed a white-out but was able to clear a bit for us to enjoy a view of Rattlesnake Lake while we snacked and drank chai.  I thought this was the prettiest hike so far...

Chayya and her godmother, Archana

Posing pretty our mountain goddess, Sandra

March 31st, 2011 West Tiger Mountain

Went up on a rainy and cold day with Ajay and Smitha.  Blustery and no view at top!  Highlight was white birds up top that would eat from your hand.  Camera's batteries died before we could get a group shot.

March 24th, 2011 Little Si

Distance 5 miles
Elevation gain 1200 ft
Highest point 1576 feet

Decided to start my training with Little Si.  Ignorantly decided to carry 28 lbs on a backpack I was using incorrectly.  Very difficult since I plunged in the wrong way and had no idea about the correct way to wear the pack.  Still enjoyed with Ajay and Chayya accompanying me.   Great views up top and very warm day.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

April 10, 2011 Poo Poo Point/Chirico Trail

Distance: 5.0 miles
Elevation gain: 1650 ft
Highest point 1850 ft

Great hiking day for Team Bonda.  I hiked with 10 lbs and felt pretty good.  I questioned the name of the trail which may have been related to the muddy ground?  Quote of the hike by Reshma:  Sandra, do you have any idea what I should do with by jacket?  (meaning, someone carry my jacket for me)

March 27th, 2011 West Tiger Mountain Trail

Distance 6.2 miles
Elevation gain 2100 feet
Highest point 2525 feet

First hike with my Rainier climbing group.  Introductions to Team Bonda:

Archana Bhat aka "Bhat, of course" and team photographer

Sandra Lobo aka "Lobo, low and behold"

Reshma Joshi "on the rock, Resh rocks"

myself "Ro ro ro your boat" and my trusted (?) canine companion, team mascot and motivator,

Good first hike with Team Bonda.  I carried less than 10lbs.  Sandra, the mountain goddess, led the way and doubled her exercise by coming down to check on her teammates who were far behind and then hiking double time back up!